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Zippin APIs

The Zippin API is organized around REST. Our API accepts JSON-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.

storeId is refers to tenant store id.


Authentication is provided using standard Bearer API Tokens passed in through headers in the HTTP request. API tokens are secrets and should be protected similar to passwords. Do not share or distribute the API tokens where unauthorized parties can see it. This includes GitHub, Client Code, Log Files, etc.

All API requests should be made over HTTPS however this may not be available in-store. In this case HTTP requests would be allowed.

The Zippin API uses API keys to authenticate requests. Contact your Zippin representative to get the API keys.

Replace the API key in the examples below.


Standard conventional HTTP response codes are used to indicate the success or failure of an API request.

2xx range indicate success. 4xx range indicate an error that failed given the information provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted). 5xx range indicate an error with the API Server(s).

Code Meaning
200 - OK Everything worked as expected.
201 - Created An object was created successfully.
400 - Bad Request Invalid request. Typically a missing required parameter.
401 - Unauthorized Provided API key is invalid.
402 - Request Failed Parameters are valid but the request failed.
403 - Forbidden The API key does not have permissions to perform the request.
404 - Not Found The requested resource could not be found.
409 - Conflict The request has a conflict with another existing request.
429 - Too Many Requests Too many requests hit the API too quickly. We recommend an exponential backoff of your requests.
500 - Internal Server Error The API server experienced a problem.


All top-level API resources have support for bulk fetches via "list" API methods. These list API methods share a common structure, taking these two parameters: limit and offset.

Parameter Type Description
limit integer (Optional) A limit on the number of records to be returned, between 1 and 100. Default is 100.
offset integer (Optional) Offset is the start record id for the list of records to return. Default is 0. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 records, then, your subsequent call can include offset=100 in order to fetch the next page of the list.

Get QR Code for the shopper

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer test_54032af3-6864-4210-8cb9-423d7273577d"


  "userToken": "2462ff0d-723a-4713-a128-6c1d0fc226",
  "code": "v1:zipp:2462ff0d-723a-4713-a128-6c1d0fc226:1567628198079:L5rM/q2Q4NqIKDmsKAd9Vsw5hPHB1YKJ95ea8odOroic/SGRSs1zeQ=="

To enter the store, user scans a secure QR code. QR code has the expiry time.

Call this Zippin API from your secure backend service and pass the QR code to the shopper, usually over a mobile application. Refresh QR code every minute while shopper is on QR code screen.

Keep your API keys secure! Do not expose API keys to the frontend applications.

Alternatively, you can generate the token in your backend service using pre-shared DSA key-pairs. You will generate the token using private key and Zippin will use public key to validate the token. Reach out to Zippin team to learn more about this option.




URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
userToken string Identifies user entering the store.


Returns user token and code. This code should be displayed as a QR code and scanned at the store to enter.


Attribute Type Description
userToken string Identifies user entering the store.
code string The QR code used to enter the store.


The Dispute Object

Attribute Type Description
id string The identifier of the dispute.
sku string The tenant SKU ID.
quantity number The quantity of the SKU.
action "add" or "remove" The action to be taken on the item. For example, say quantity is 2. If action is "add" (shopper was under-billed), item count in the cart is increased by 2. If action is "remove" (shopper was over-billed), item count in the cart is reduced by 2.
description string The reason for the dispute.
status "requested" or "approved" or "rejected" The status for the dispute. The dispute request gets created with "requested" status, "approved" in case any discrepancy in the cart and "rejected" in case there is no discrepancy.
review_notes string The reason given by the dispute reviewer.

Dispute Cart

curl -X POST \
 "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer test_54032af3-6864-4210-8cb9-423d7273577d" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
        "email" : "",
        "disputes": [
                "sku": "COKE",
                "quantity": 1,
                "action": "remove",
                "description" : "I took only 1 coke but I was charged for 2."
                "item": "DIETCOKE",
                "quantity": 1,
                "action": "add",
                "description" : "I took 1 diet coke but it's not included in the cart."


    "cartId": "o-47132462ff0d-723a",
    "disputes": [
          "id": "1621850561_COKE",
          "sku": "COKE",
          "quantity": 1,
          "action": "remove",
          "description": "I took only 1 coke but I was charged for 2.",
          "status": "requested"
          "id": "1621850561_DIETCOKE",
          "sku": "DIETCOKE",
          "quantity": 1,
          "action": "add",
          "description": "I took 1 diet coke but it's not included in the cart.",
          "status": "requested"
    "email": ""

When you get a dispute request, you can use this Zippin API to submit with requested details to help us resolve the dispute.



POST<Store ID>/carts/<Cart ID>/dispute

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
Store ID string The identifier of the store.
Cart ID string Zippin cart id for this shopping session.

Request Attributes

Attribute Type Description
email string The email address of the customer.
disputes array An array of dispute object


Returns dispute object array if succeeded for the specified cartId and email. Throws an error if parameters are invalid (e.g. specifying an invalid sku, cartId, quantity, etc.).


Attribute Type Description
cartId string Zippin cart id for this shopping session.
message string The status message of the cart dispute request.


Add a SKU

curl -X POST \
  "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer test_54032af3-6864-4210-8cb9-423d7273577d" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "id": "KQS2X12",
    "name": "Kale and Quinoa Salad",
    "unitWeight": 253,
    "thumbnails": ["", ""],
    "force": true,
    "storeIds": ["teststore1", "teststore2"],
    "price": 5,
    "taxRate": 8.75,
    "categories": ["miscellaneous"]


    "id": "KQS2X12",
    "name": "Kale and Quinoa Salad",
    "created": 1552088527,
    "updated": 1552088527,
    "deleted": false,
    "unitWeight": 253,
    "thumbnails": ["", ""],
    "storeIds": ["teststore1", "teststore2"],
    "price": 5,
    "taxRate": 8.75,
    "categories": ["miscellaneous"]

Creates the specified SKU by setting the values of the parameters passed.




Request Attributes

Attribute Type Description
id string The identifier of the SKU. Must be 1–16 characters.
name string The name of the SKU.
unitWeight number The unit weight of the SKU in grams.
thumbnails array An array of thumbnail jpg urls for the SKU. Maximum size of a thumbnail is 1MB.
force boolean Optional. Pass force = true to reuse the same SKU that has been archived.
storeIds array Optional. An array of store ids. Defaults to all stores.
price number Optional. The base price of the SKU. Ex: ”price”: 5 represents $5. Currency is set at the store level.
taxRate number Optional. The percentage tax rate applied to the sku. Defaults to 0. Ex: ”taxRate”: 8.75 represents 8.75%. Supports upto 4 decimal places and if the decimal places more than 4 then it will get rounded off to 4 decimal places. For example, 8.75968 will be rounded off to 8.7597 and 8.75124 will be rounded off to 8.7512.
categories array Optional. An array of category codes. Defaults to default category.


Returns the SKU object if the create succeeded. Throws an error if create parameters are invalid.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
id string The identifier of the SKU.
name string The name of the SKU.
created string Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
updated string Time at which the object was updated. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
deleted boolean The deleted status of the SKU.
unitWeight number The unit weight of the SKU in grams.
thumbnails array An array of thumbnail jpg urls for the SKU.
storeIds array An array of store ids or null for all stores.
price number Optional. The base price of the SKU. Ex: ”price”: 5 represents $5. Currency is set at the store level.
taxRate number Optional. The percentage tax rate applied to the sku. Defaults to 0. Ex: ”taxRate”: 8.75 represents 8.75%. Supports upto 4 decimal places and if the decimal places more than 4 then it will get rounded off to 4 decimal places. For example, 8.75968 will be rounded off to 8.7597 and 8.75124 will be rounded off to 8.7512.
categories array An array of category codes.

Update a SKU

curl -X PUT \
  "<SKU ID>" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer test_54032af3-6864-4210-8cb9-423d7273577d" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "name": "Kale and Quinoa Salad",
    "unitWeight": 253,
    "thumbnails": ["", ""],
    "storeIds": ["teststore1", "teststore2"],
    "price": 5,
    "taxRate": 8.75,
    "categories": ["miscellaneous"]


    "id": "KQS2X12",
    "name": "Kale and Quinoa Salad",
    "created": 1552088527,
    "updated": 1552088527,
    "deleted": false,
    "unitWeight": 253,
    "thumbnails": ["", ""],
    "storeIds": ["teststore1", "teststore2"],
    "price": 5,
    "taxRate": 8.75,
    "categories": ["miscellaneous"]

Updates the specified SKU by setting the values of the parameters passed. This request accepts mostly the same arguments as the SKU creation call.




URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
SKU ID string The identifier of the SKU.

Request Attributes

Attribute Type Description
name string The name of the SKU.
unitWeight number The unit weight of the SKU in grams.
thumbnails array An array of thumbnail jpg urls for the SKU. Maximum size of a thumbnail is 1MB.
storeIds array Optional. An array of store ids. Defaults to all stores.
price number Optional. The base price of the SKU. Ex: ”price”: 5 represents $5. Currency is set at the store level.
taxRate number Optional. The percentage tax rate applied to the sku. Defaults to 0. Ex: ”taxRate”: 8.75 represents 8.75%. Supports upto 4 decimal places and if the decimal places more than 4 then it will get rounded off to 4 decimal places. For example, 8.75968 will be rounded off to 8.7597 and 8.75124 will be rounded off to 8.7512.
categories array Optional. An array of category codes. Defaults to default category.


Returns the SKU object if the update succeeded. Throws an error if update parameters are invalid (e.g. specifying an invalid SKU ID).

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
id string The identifier of the SKU.
name string The name of the SKU.
created string Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
updated string Time at which the object was updated. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
deleted boolean The deleted status of the SKU.
unitWeight number The unit weight of the SKU in grams.
thumbnails array An array of thumbnail jpg urls for the SKU.
storeIds array An array of store ids or null for all stores.
price number Optional. The base price of the SKU. Ex: ”price”: 5 represents $5. Currency is set at the store level.
taxRate number Optional. The percentage tax rate applied to the sku. Defaults to 0. Ex: ”taxRate”: 8.75 represents 8.75%. Supports upto 4 decimal places and if the decimal places more than 4 then it will get rounded off to 4 decimal places. For example, 8.75968 will be rounded off to 8.7597 and 8.75124 will be rounded off to 8.7512.
categories array An array of category codes.

Retrieve a SKU

curl "<SKU ID>" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer test_54032af3-6864-4210-8cb9-423d7273577d"


    "id": "KQS2X12",
    "name": "Kale and Quinoa Salad",
    "created": 1552088527,
    "updated": 1552088527,
    "deleted": false,
    "unitWeight": 253,
    "thumbnails": ["", ""],
    "storeIds": ["teststore1", "teststore2"],
    "price": 5,
    "taxRate": 8.75,
    "categories": ["miscellaneous"]

Retrieves the details of an existing SKU. You need only supply the unique SKU identifier that was passed during the SKU creation.




URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
SKU ID string The identifier of the SKU.


Returns the SKU object if a valid identifier was provided. Throws an error if the ID of a SKU is invalid.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
id string The identifier of the SKU.
name string The name of the SKU.
created string Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
updated string Time at which the object was updated. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
deleted boolean The deleted status of the SKU.
unitWeight number The unit weight of the SKU in grams.
thumbnails array An array of thumbnail jpg urls for the SKU.
storeIds array An array of store ids or null for all stores.
price number Optional. The base price of the SKU. Ex: ”price”: 5 represents $5. Currency is set at the store level.
taxRate number Optional. The percentage tax rate applied to the sku. Defaults to 0. Ex: ”taxRate”: 8.75 represents 8.75%. Supports upto 4 decimal places and if the decimal places more than 4 then it will get rounded off to 4 decimal places. For example, 8.75968 will be rounded off to 8.7597 and 8.75124 will be rounded off to 8.7512.
categories array An array of category codes.

List all SKUs

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer test_54032af3-6864-4210-8cb9-423d7273577d"


  "totalRecords": 3,
  "fetchedRecords": 3,
  "skus": [
        "id": "KQS2X12",
        "name": "Kale and Quinoa Salad",
        "created": 1552088527,
        "updated": 1552088527,
        "deleted": false,
        "unitWeight": 253,
        "thumbnails": ["", ""],
        "storeIds": ["teststore1", "teststore2"],
        "price": 5,
        "taxRate": 8.75,
        "categories": ["miscellaneous"]

Returns a list of all SKUs. The SKUs are returned sorted by creation time. Any parameters not provided then it will return with 1-100 records.




URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
limit integer (Optional) A limit on the number of records to be returned, between 1 and 100. Default is 100.
offset integer (Optional) Offset is the start record id for the list of records to return. Default is 0.


A associative array with a skus property that contains an array of up to limit SKUs, starting after SKU offset. Each entry in the array is a separate SKU object. If no more SKUs are available, the resulting array will be empty. This request should never throw an error.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
id string The identifier of the SKU.
name string The name of the SKU.
created string Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
updated string Time at which the object was updated. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
deleted boolean true.
unitWeight number The unit weight of the SKU in grams.
thumbnails array An array of thumbnail jpg urls for the SKU.
totalRecords integer Total number of records available.
fetchedRecords integer Total number of records fetched based on the parameters passed.
storeIds array An array of store ids or null for all stores.
price number Optional. The base price of the SKU. Ex: ”price”: 5 represents $5. Currency is set at the store level.
taxRate number Optional. The percentage tax rate applied to the sku. Defaults to 0. Ex: ”taxRate”: 8.75 represents 8.75%. Supports upto 4 decimal places and if the decimal places more than 4 then it will get rounded off to 4 decimal places. For example, 8.75968 will be rounded off to 8.7597 and 8.75124 will be rounded off to 8.7512.
categories array An array of category codes.

Delete a SKU

curl -X DELETE "<SKU ID>" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer test_54032af3-6864-4210-8cb9-423d7273577d"


    "id": "KQS2X12",
    "name": "Kale and Quinoa Salad",
    "created": 1552088527,
    "updated": 1552088527,
    "deleted": true,
    "unitWeight": 253,
    "thumbnails": ["", ""],
    "storeIds": ["teststore1", "teststore2"],
    "price": 5,
    "taxRate": 8.75,
    "categories": ["miscellaneous"]

Deletes a SKU if SKU has not been used in a cart. If this SKU has been used in a cart, it will not be deleted, however, it will be marked deleted.




URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
SKU ID string The identifier of the SKU.


Returns an object with a deleted SKU on success. If the SKU ID does not exist, this call throws an error.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
id string The identifier of the SKU.
name string The name of the SKU.
created string Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
updated string Time at which the object was updated. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
deleted boolean true.
unitWeight number The unit weight of the SKU in grams.
thumbnails array An array of thumbnail jpg urls for the SKU.
storeIds array An array of store ids. If attribute is not passed, sku is available for all your stores.
price number Optional. The base price of the SKU. Ex: ”price”: 5 represents $5. Currency is set at the store level.
taxRate number Optional. The percentage tax rate applied to the sku. Defaults to 0. Ex: ”taxRate”: 8.75 represents 8.75%. Supports upto 4 decimal places and if the decimal places more than 4 then it will get rounded off to 4 decimal places. For example, 8.75968 will be rounded off to 8.7597 and 8.75124 will be rounded off to 8.7512.
categories array An array of category codes.


List all categories

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer test_54032af3-6864-4210-8cb9-423d7273577d"


        "name": "Bottled Water",
        "code": "bottledwater",
        "isDefault": 0
        "name": "Miscellaneous",
        "code": "miscellaneous",
        "isDefault": 1

Returns a list of all SKU categories. The SKU categories are returned sorted by display order.





Returns the SKU category object array. If no SKU categories are available, the resulting array will be empty. This request should never throw an error.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
name string The name of the SKU category.
code string The code of the SKU category.
isDefault boolean Only one category should be default. Default category will be associated with SKU if it's not provided during the SKU creation or updation.

Shelf Inventory

Retrieve inventory on a shelf

curl "<Store ID>/shelves/<Shelf ID>" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer test_54032af3-6864-4210-8cb9-423d7273577d" 


    "storeId": "S6241",
    "shelfId": "10101",
    "defaultSKU": "KQS2X12",
    "items": [
      {"sku": "KQS2X12", "quantity":  10},
      {"sku": "E2S2X12", "quantity":  2}
    "updated": 1552088527

Retrieves the details of an existing shelf. You need only supply the unique store identifier and shelf identifier.



GET<Store ID>/shelves/<Shelf ID>

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
Store ID string The identifier of the store.
Shelf ID string The identifier of the shelf.


Returns a shelf object if a valid identifier was provided. Throws an error if the ID of a store or shelf is invalid.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
storeId string The identifier of the store.
shelfId string The identifier of the shelf.
defaultSKU string The default SKU ID for the shelf.
items array An array of items (SKU and quantity) on the shelf.
updated timestamp Time at which the object was updated. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.

Retrieve inventory on all shelves

curl "<Store ID>/shelves?limit=100&offset=0" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer test_54032af3-6864-4210-8cb9-423d7273577d"


    "totalRecords": 2,
    "fetchedRecords": 2,
    "storeId": "store123",
    "shelves": [
            "shelfId": "10101",
            "items": [
                    "sku": "COKECAN",
                    "quantity": 1
            "updated": 1575724057,
            "defaultSKU": "COKECAN"
            "shelfId": "10102",
            "items": [
                    "sku": "DTCOKECAN",
                    "quantity": 1
            "updated": 1552088527,
            "defaultSKU": "DTCOKECAN"

Lists shelf inventory for the requested store.



GET<Store ID>/shelves?limit=100&offset=0

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
Store ID string The identifier of the store.
limit integer (Optional) A limit on the number of records to be returned, between 1 and 100. Default is 100.
offset integer (Optional) Offset is the start record id for the list of records to return. Default is 0.


List of shelves in the requested store.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
storeId string Store ID.
shelfId string Shelf ID.
defaultSKU string The default SKU ID for the shelf.
items array An array of items (SKU and quantity) on the shelf.
updated timestamp Timestamp when shelf was updated. Seconds since Unix epoch.
totalRecords integer Total number of records available.
fetchedRecords integer Number of records fetched.

Update a shelf

curl -X PUT \
  "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer test_54032af3-6864-4210-8cb9-423d7273577d" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '[{
      "storeId": "store123",
      "shelves": [
              "shelfId": "10102",
              "sku": "BOSBLKCFF",
              "quantity": 5,
              "capacity": 50000
              "shelfId": "10103",
              "sku": "7894900031607"
      "storeId": "store456",
      "shelves": [
              "shelfId": "10201",
              "sku": "CAN78949",
              "quantity": 5
              "shelfId": "10202",
              "capacity": 10000


    "storeId": "store123",
    "shelves": [
            "shelfId": "10102",
            "items": [{"sku": "BOSBLKCFF", "quantity": 5}],
            "updated": "1572463626416",
            "defaultSKU": "BOSBLKCFF",
            "capacity": 50000
            "shelfId": "10103",
            "items": [{"sku": "7894900031607", "quantity": 1}],
            "updated": "1572463624404",
            "defaultSKU": "7894900031607"
    "storeId": "store456",
    "shelves": [
            "shelfId": "10201",
            "items": [{"sku": "CAN78949", "quantity": 5}],
            "updated": "1572463626416",
            "defaultSKU": "CAN78949"
            "shelfId": "10202",
            "items": [{"sku": "BOSB31607", "quantity": 4}],
            "updated": "1572463624404",
            "defaultSKU": "BOSB31607",
            "capacity": 10000

Update default SKU, quantity and capacity on the shelf. This request accepts one or more stores and shelves. shelfId and sku attributes are required to update default SKU; shelfId, sku and quantity attributes are required to update SKU quantity; shelfId and capacity attributes are required to update shelf capacity.




Request Attributes

Attribute Type Description
storeId string The identifier of the store.
shelfId string The identifier of the shelf.
sku string The default SKU ID for the shelf.
quantity number The quantity of the SKU.
capacity number The capacity of a shelf in grams.


Returns the shelf object if the update succeeded. Throws an error if update parameters are invalid (e.g. shelf is not found or SKU is deleted or invalid quantity or invalid capacity).

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
storeId string The identifier of the store.
shelfId string The identifier of the shelf.
defaultSKU string The default SKU ID for the shelf.
items array An array of items (SKU and quantity) on the shelf.
updated timestamp Time at which the object was updated. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
capacity number The capacity of a shelf in grams.


All users are shoppers unless assigned a specific role by calling this API. If you want to change role for a user back to shopper, simply delete the user.

Add Users

curl -X POST \
  "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer test_54032af3-6864-4210-8cb9-423d7273577d" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '[{
        "storeId": "store123",
        "users" : [
            "userToken": "9fabb8f0-2de1-4b75-9d3c-d5ddc1467999",
            "role": "admin"
        "storeId": "store456",
        "users" : [
            "userToken": "a6de9a2a-84fd-4819-b5b8-5fefb3e23010",
            "role": "admin"


    "storeId": "store123",
    "users": [
            "userToken": "9fabb8f0-2de1-4b75-9d3c-d5ddc1467999",
            "role": "admin",
            "created": 1575723426,
            "updated": 1575723426
    "storeId": "store456",
    "users" : [
            "userToken": "a6de9a2a-84fd-4819-b5b8-5fefb3e23010",
            "role": "admin",
            "created": 1575723426,
            "updated": 1575723426

Adds the specified users by setting the values of the parameters passed.




Request Attributes

Attribute Type Description
storeId string The identifier of the store.
userToken string The identifier of the user.
role admin By sending role as admin, the user with the given userToken is enrolled as Store Crew.


Returns the user object array if the create succeeded. Throws an error if create parameters are invalid (e.g. specifying an invalid storeId or an invalid role).

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
storeId string The identifier of the store.
userToken string The identifier of the user.
role admin By sending role as admin, the user with the given userToken is enrolled as Store Crew.
created timestamp Timestamp when user was enrolled as store crew. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
updated timestamp Timestamp when user role was updated. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.

Update Users

curl -X PUT \
  "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer test_54032af3-6864-4210-8cb9-423d7273577d" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '[{
        "storeId": "store123",
        "users" : [
            "userToken": "9fabb8f0-2de1-4b75-9d3c-d5ddc1467999",
            "role": "admin"
        "storeId": "store456",
        "users" : [
            "userToken": "a6de9a2a-84fd-4819-b5b8-5fefb3e23010"


    "storeId": "store123",
    "users": [
            "userToken": "9fabb8f0-2de1-4b75-9d3c-d5ddc1467999",
            "role": "admin",
            "created": 1575724029,
            "updated": 1575724057
    "storeId": "store456",
    "users" : [
            "userToken": "a6de9a2a-84fd-4819-b5b8-5fefb3e23010",
            "role": "admin",
            "created": 1575723426,
            "updated": 1575723426

Updates the specified users by setting the values of the parameters passed. If the role parameter is not provided then the specified user will be deleted from the store and the user will be treated as a shopper by the system.




Request Attributes

Attribute Type Description
storeId string The identifier of the store.
userToken string The identifier of the user.
role admin By sending role as admin, the user with the given userToken is enrolled as Store Crew.


Returns the user object array if the update succeeded. Throws an error if update parameters are invalid (e.g. specifying an invalid storeId or an invalid userToken or an invalid role).

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
storeId string The identifier of the store.
userToken string The identifier of the user.
role admin By sending role as admin, the user with the given userToken is enrolled as Store Crew.
created timestamp Timestamp when user was enrolled as store crew. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
updated timestamp Timestamp when user role was updated. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.

Retrieve a User

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer test_54032af3-6864-4210-8cb9-423d7273577d"


    "storeId": "store123",
    "users": [
            "userToken": "9fabb8f0-2de1-4b75-9d3c-d5ddc1467999",
            "role": "admin",
            "created": 1575724029,
            "updated": 1575724057
    "storeId": "store456",
    "users": [
            "userToken": "9fabb8f0-2de1-4b75-9d3c-d5ddc1467999",
            "role": "admin",
            "created": 1575724029,
            "updated": 1575724057

Retrieves the details of an existing user. You need only supply the unique user identifier that was passed during the user creation.


URL GET<userToken>

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
userToken string The identifier of the user.


Returns the user object array if a valid identifier was provided. Throws an error if the ID of a user is invalid.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
storeId string The identifier of the store.
userToken string The identifier of the user.
role admin By sending role as admin, the user with the given userToken is enrolled as Store Crew.
created timestamp Timestamp when user was enrolled as store crew. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
updated timestamp Timestamp when user role was updated. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.

List all Users

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer test_54032af3-6864-4210-8cb9-423d7273577d"


    "totalRecords": 2,
    "fetchedRecords": 2,
    "users": [
            "storeId": "store123",
            "users": [
                    "userToken": "9fabb8f0-2de1-4b75-9d3c-d5ddc1467999",
                    "role": "admin",
                    "created": 1575724029,
                    "updated": 1575724057
            "storeId": "store456",
            "users": [
                    "userToken": "9fabb8f0-2de1-4b75-9d3c-d5ddc1467999",
                    "role": "admin",
                    "created": 1575724029,
                    "updated": 1575724057

Returns a list of your users. The users are returned sorted by creation time. Any parameters not provided then it will return with 1-100 records.




URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
limit integer (Optional) A limit on the number of records to be returned, between 1 and 100. Default is 100.
offset integer (Optional) Offset is the start record id for the list of records to return. Default is 0.


A associative array with a users property that contains an array of up to limit users, starting after user offset. Each entry in the array is a separate user object. If no more users are available, the resulting array will be empty. This request should never throw an error.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
storeId string The identifier of the store.
userToken string The identifier of the user.
role admin By sending role as admin, the user with the given userToken is enrolled as Store Crew.
created timestamp Timestamp when user was enrolled as store crew. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
updated timestamp Timestamp when user role was updated. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
totalRecords integer Total number of records available.
fetchedRecords integer Total number of records fetched based on the parameters passed.

Delete a User

curl -X DELETE "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer test_54032af3-6864-4210-8cb9-423d7273577d"


    "storeId": "store123",
    "users": [
            "userToken": "9fabb8f0-2de1-4b75-9d3c-d5ddc1467999",
            "role": "admin",
            "created": 1575724029,
            "updated": 1575724057
    "storeId": "store456",
    "users": [
            "userToken": "9fabb8f0-2de1-4b75-9d3c-d5ddc1467999",
            "role": "admin",
            "created": 1575724029,
            "updated": 1575724057

Permanently deletes a user across the stores. It cannot be undone and the user will be treated as a shopper by the system.




URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
userToken string The identifier of the user.


Returns the user object array if the delete succeeded. Throws an error if the user token is invalid.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
storeId string The identifier of the store.
userToken string The identifier of the user.
role admin By sending role as admin, the user with the given userToken is enrolled as Store Crew.
created timestamp Timestamp when user was enrolled as store crew. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
updated timestamp Timestamp when user role was updated. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.

Open Store Entrance

curl -X POST "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer test_54032af3-6864-4210-8cb9-423d7273577d" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
        "entryCode": "123456"


200 OK

Opens the store entrance for the matching entry code.




URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
userToken string Identifies user entering the store.
entryCode string Entry code of the store entrance.


Returns 200 status on success. If the user token or entry code does not exist, this call throws an error.


Reports enable you to generate analytical and performance specific reports that help understand a customers action in the store, customer entry throughput, and more. It also helps in generating various types of reports with the following information:

You can use the following information to access these reports and data:

The Cart Object

Attribute Type Description
cartId string The Zippin cart identifier for a shopping session.
userToken string Identifies the user who is responsible for this cart.
items array A list of items in the cart. This field is blank in case there are no items in the cart.
status string The status of the cart. The status can be Submitted, Submission failed, Ready for billing, Failed, Partial or Paid.
storeId string The identifier of the Zippin store.
timezone string The local time zone of the store. For example, "America/Los_Angeles".
entryTimestamp timestamp Date and time of the shopper entry. It is displayed in ISO 8601 local date and time format, including time zone offset. For example, yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnn+hh:mm.
exitTimestamp timestamp Date and time of the shopper exit. It is displayed in ISO 8601 local date and time format, including time zone offset. For example, yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnn+hh:mm.
totalItems number The total quantity of items purchased per cart.
processedDate string Date and time the cart was processed. It is displayed in ISO 8601 local date and time format, including time zone offset. For example, yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnn+hh:mm.
updatedAt timestamp Timestamp when the cart was last updated. It is measured in seconds from the Unix epoch.
loyaltyMembership object An object containing a list of loyalty IDs and loyalty provider/partner ID of the third party loyalty membership program. In case of group shopping, it is the membership ID of the shopper who is charged. This field is blank in case the loyalty membership code is not scanned by the shopper while shopping.
grossAmount number The total amount of all the items purchased, regardless of whether or not payment succeeded, and before discounts and refunds including tax. In the UI, this field is represented as Gross Receipts.
grossTax number The applicable tax component of gross receipts.
grossTaxes array Optional. The applicable tax component of gross receipts at tax type level. This applies only to carts charged using Zippin's billing system.
receivedTaxes array Optional. The tax component of the received amount at tax type level. This applies only to carts charged using Zippin's billing system.
discount number The total discounts applied on purchased items.
loyalty number The total loyalty amount applied on purchased items.
declinedAmount number The total amount submitted to the payment gateway or processor that was declined. Partial or the total amount may be automatically resubmitted after a short period of time and subsequently be approved. In the UI, this field is represented as Declined Payments.
refundAmount number The items returned before the payment is submitted or failed payments, thus reducing the shopper's payment, or after the shopper has paid. This can be items returned and amount both. In the UI, this field is represented as Refunds.
refundBackToCard number The amount of money refunded to a shopper's credit card after the shopper has made the payment. The value may be zero or less if the cart has declined payments.
receivedAmount number The net amount received after deducting discounts, loyalty, declined payments, and refunds, then adding received tax.
receivedTax number The tax component of the received amount.
gratuity number Optional. The applicable gratuity component of gross receipts. This applies only to carts charged using Zippin's billing system.
receivedGratuity number Optional. The gratuity component of the received amount. This applies only to carts charged using Zippin's billing system.
paymentGatewayName string The name of the payment gateway used to charge a cart.
errorCode string The error code from the payment gateway for a failed payment of a cart.
errorMessage string The error message from the payment gateway for a failed payment of a cart.
underReview number The total amount that is under review when processing the dispute request.
isOfflineTransaction bool Indicates whether the auth transaction was processed in offline mode or not.
payments array A list of payment objects.
refunds array An list of refunds objects.

The Cart Item Object

Attribute Type Description
sku string The unique ID of the SKU (stock keeping units) that identifies an item in the cart.
name string The name of the SKU.
categories array A list of category objects. A single SKU can have multiple categories associated with it.
quantity number A positive integer representing the quantity of the SKU purchased.
unitPrice number A positive integer representing the unit price of the SKU. The value is blank in case of non-Zippin payment processing.
discountsApplied array A list of discount objects representing promotions and loyalty discounts applied to the items in the cart. The object consists of a unique discount code and total amount. The code can be either a Zippin promotion code or a third-party loyalty code.
grossAmount number The total amount of all the items purchased, regardless of whether or not payment succeeded, and before discounts and refunds including tax. In the UI, this field is represented as Gross Receipts.
grossTax number The applicable tax component of gross receipts.
discount number The total discounts applied on purchased items.
loyalty number The total loyalty amount applied on purchased items.
taxes array The tax applicable to the purchased item. The default value is 0.
grossTaxes array The tax applied to the purchased item gross amount. The default value is 0.

The Cart Payment Object

Attribute Type Description
paymentAmount number The amount charged to the shopper for a transaction.
paymentDate string The date on which the payment is done for a transaction. It is displayed in ISO 8601 local date and time format, including time zone offset. For example, yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnn+hh:mm.
paymentReferenceId string The Id of the payment gateway or the loyalty charge transaction.
paymentMode string The payment method used for this transaction.
last4 string The card last4 used for this transaction.
brand string The card brand used for this transaction.

The Cart Refund Object

Attribute Type Description
refundAmount number The items returned before the payment is submitted or failed payments, thus reducing the shopper's payment, or after the shopper has paid. This can be items returned and amount both. In the UI, this field is represented as Refunds.
refundDate string The date on which the refund is done. It is displayed in ISO 8601 local date and time format, including time zone offset. For example, yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnn+hh:mm.
refundReferenceId string The Id of the payment gateway or the loyalty refund transaction.
refundBackToCard number The amount of money refunded to a shopper's credit card after the shopper has made the payment. The value may be zero or less if the cart has declined payments.
refundItems array A list of refunded items object. The object contains SKU code and quantity.
paymentMode string The payment method used for this transaction.
last4 string The card last4 used for this transaction.
brand string The card brand used for this transaction.


curl -X GET \
  " 00:00:00&endTime=2022-06-01 23:59:59&stores=lowceil&limit=10&offset=0&lookup_by=visit_date" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer test_54032af3-6864-4210-8cb9-423d7273577d" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"


  "carts": [
      "cartId": "6feba34d-7242-489e-8357-1634007d4b20",
      "userToken": "fb9afe2b-d22b-4903-8e66-c73745aa69a9",
      "items": [
          "unitPrice": 0.9,
          "discountsApplied": [
              "code": "Broncos - 20% off Concessions",
              "amount": 0.9
          "quantity": 5,
          "sku": "DTSNPLPCH",
          "name": "Diet Snapple Peach Tea, 20 fl oz",
          "categories": [
              "code": "beernmore",
              "name": "Beer"
          "grossAmount": 4.89,
          "grossTax": 0.39,
          "discount": 0,
          "loyalty": 0.9,
          "taxes": [
              "name": "Sales Tax",
              "type": "percentage",
              "sales_tax": 8.5679
          "grossTaxes": [
              "sales_tax": 0.39,
              "name": "Sales Tax"
          "gratuity": 0
          "unitPrice": 50.01,
          "discountsApplied": [
              "code": "Broncos - 20% off Concessions",
              "amount": 10
          "quantity": 1,
          "sku": "GATORTEST",
          "name": "gator1",
          "categories": [
              "code": "drinks",
              "name": "Drinks"
          "grossAmount": 50.01,
          "grossTax": 0,
          "discount": 0,
          "loyalty": 10,
          "taxes": [
              "name": "Sales Tax",
              "type": "percentage",
              "sales_tax": 0
          "grossTaxes": [
              "sales_tax": 0,
              "name": "Sales Tax"
          "gratuity": 0.1
      "status": "paid",
      "storeId": "lowceil",
      "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
      "entryTimestamp": "2022-09-14T01:30:00.000-07:00",
      "exitTimestamp": "2022-09-14T01:35:00.000-07:00",
      "processedDate": "2022-09-14T03:37:53.000-07:00",
      "totalItems": 6,
      "updatedAt": 1663299629,
      "loyalty": 10.9,
      "loyaltyMembership": {"id":["gwztop","jmDtkY"],"provider":"lava"},
      "grossAmount": 54.9,
      "grossTax": 0.39,
      "grossTaxes": [
          "sales_tax": 0.39,
          "name": "Sales Tax"
      "receivedTaxes": [
          "sales_tax": 0.19,
          "name": "Sales Tax"
      "discount": 0,
      "pendingAmount": 0,
      "refundAmount": 1.56,
      "refundBackToCard": 0,
      "receivedAmount": 42.36,
      "receivedTax": 0.19,
      "gratuity": 0.1,
      "receivedGratuity": 0.1,
      "paymentGatewayName": "freedompay",
      "errorCode": "",
      "errorMessage": "",
      "underReview": 0,
      "isOfflineTransaction": false,
      "payments": [
          "paymentAmount": 42.36,
          "paymentDate": "2022-09-14T03:40:00.000-07:00",
          "paymentReferenceId": "89992592779951686497",
          "paymentMode": "Credit/debit card",
          "last4": "1003",
          "brand": "VISA"
      "refunds": [
          "refundAmount": 1.56,
          "refundDate": "2022-09-14T05:00:00.000-07:00",
          "refundItems": [
              "sku": "DTSNPLPCH",
              "quantity": 2
          "refundReferenceId": "c8d9c470-9cb7-4619-b165-8aa617a0ab83",
          "refundBackToCard": 0,
          "paymentMode": "Credit/debit card",
          "last4": "1003",
          "brand": "VISA"
  "totalRecords": 24,
  "fetchedRecords": 24,
  "currency": "USD"

This API returns all the eligible carts for selected stores or intervals.



GET 00:00:00&endTime=2022-06-01 23:59:59&stores=lowceil&limit=10&offset=0&lookup_by=visit_date

Request Attributes

Attribute Type Description
startTime DateTime Date and time of shopper entry/transaction in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. Timing is optional. The default time is 00:00:00.
endTime DateTime Date and time of shopper exit/transaction in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. Timing is optional. The default time is 23:59:59.
stores string Comma-separated string with retailer store IDs.
limit number Limit the number of records to be returned. The default value is 100.
offset number Offset is the starting record ID to return the list of records. The default value is 0.
lookup_by string (Optional) Possible values:
  • visit_date
  • transaction_date
By default, data is retrieved based on visit date and time. Set this attribute to transaction_date when you want to pull data based on transaction date and time.


An associative array with the Cart object containing an array of carts limited to 100, starting after cart offset. Each entry in the array is a separate cart object. If there are no further carts available, the resulting array is blank. There are no errors displayed after the request is sent.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
carts array The eligible cart object for the given parameters.
totalRecords number The total number of carts eligible for the given parameters.
fetchedRecords number The total number of carts that are fetched (out of totalRecords) after considering offset and limit.
currency string The common currency code of all the supplied stores. Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase.

Carts Summary

curl -X GET \
  " 00:00:00&endTime=2022-06-01 23:59:59&stores=lowceil&lookup_by=visit_date" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer test_54032af3-6864-4210-8cb9-423d7273577d" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"


  "totalOrders": 24,
  "totalCarts": 24,
  "processedCarts": 24,
  "totalItems": 72,
  "grossReceipts": "1311.87",
  "grossTax": "2.07",
  "grossTaxes": [
      "sales_tax": 2.07,
      "name": "Sales Tax"
  "discount": "90.24",
  "loyalty": "89.73",
  "declinedPayments": "441.31",
  "refunds": "396.91",
  "receivedAmount": "293.26",
  "receivedTax": "0.72",
  "receivedTaxes": [
      "sales_tax": 0.72,
      "name": "Sales Tax"
  "refundBackToCard": "117.77",
  "creditCardShoppers": 22,
  "appShoppers": 0,
  "totalShoppers": 26,
  "processedShoppers": 24,
  "averageShoppingTime": 288,
  "conversionRate": 100,
  "topSellingItems": [
      "sku": "DTSNPLPCH",
      "name": "Diet Snapple Peach Tea, 20 fl oz",
      "count": 27,
      "receipts": "26.37"
      "sku": "GATORTEST",
      "name": "gator1",
      "count": 15,
      "receipts": "700.14"
      "sku": "WTPSTMUG",
      "name": "White Plastic Mug, Generic",
      "count": 21,
      "receipts": "90.00"
      "sku": "CALIBSKU",
      "name": "Calibration Sku",
      "count": 9,
      "receipts": "495.36"
  "topSellingCategories": [
      "category": "Beer",
      "count": 27,
      "receipts": "26.37"
      "category": "Drinks",
      "count": 15,
      "receipts": "700.14"
      "category": "Miscellaneous",
      "count": 30,
      "receipts": "585.36"
  "groupedGrossSales": {
    "9": 277.03,
    "10": 0,
    "11": 912.11,
    "12": 0,
    "13": 0,
    "14": 122.73
  "averageCartSize": "59.63",
  "estimatedGrossReceipts": "1431.13",
  "averageItemsPerCart": "3.00",
  "repeatShoppers": 12,
  "underReview": 0,
  "currency": "USD",
  "currencySymbol": "$"

This API returns a summary of all the eligible carts for selected stores or intervals.



GET 00:00:00&endTime=2022-06-01 23:59:59&stores=lowceil&lookup_by=visit_date

Request Attributes

Attribute Type Description
startTime DateTime Date and time of shopper entry/transaction in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. Timing is optional. The default time is 00:00:00.
endTime DateTime Date and time of shopper exit/transaction in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. Timing is optional. The default time is 23:59:59.
stores string Comma-separated string with retailer store IDs.
lookup_by string (Optional) Possible values:
  • visit_date
  • transaction_date
By default, data is retrieved based on visit date and time. Set this attribute to transaction_date when you want to pull data based on transaction date and time.


A summary of all the eligible carts is returned for selected stores. If any of the selected stores have more than one currency, there will be no valid data.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
totalOrders number The number of shopper groups who purchased items in the store. Each shopper group is one or more individuals who entered the store at the same time using a single credit card.
totalCarts number The number of shopper groups who entered the store. Each shopper group is one or more individuals who entered the store at the same time using a single credit card.
processedCarts number Number of carts processed.
totalItems number The total quantity of items purchased across all carts.
grossReceipts number The total amount of all the items purchased, regardless of whether or not payment succeeded, and before discounts and refunds including tax.
grossTax number The applicable tax component of gross receipts.
grossTaxes array The applicable tax component of gross receipts at tax type level.
discount number The total discounts applied on purchased items.
loyalty number The total loyalty amount applied on purchased items.
declinedPayments number The total amount submitted to the payment gateway or processor that was declined. Partial or the total amount may be automatically resubmitted after a short period of time and subsequently be approved.
refunds number The items returned before the payment is submitted or failed payments, thus reducing the shopper's payment, or after the shopper has paid. This can be items returned and amount both.
receivedAmount number The net amount received after deducting discounts, loyalty, declined payments, and refunds, then adding received tax.
receivedTax number This is the tax component of the received amount.
receivedTaxes array The tax component of the received amount at tax type level.
refundBackToCard number The amount of money refunded to a shopper's credit card after the shopper has made the payment. This amount can be less than the Refunds. The value may be zero or less if the cart has declined payments.
creditCardShoppers number Credit card displays the number of shoppers shopping in the store by using either a physical credit card or a third-party payment app such as Apple Pay or Google Pay.
appShoppers number App is the number of shopper parties shopping in the store using Zippin’s Shopper App.
totalShoppers number The number of shoppers entered in a store at a selected time.
processedShoppers number The number of shoppers processed is the number of individuals in all groups exiting the store whose virtual shopping carts have been completed. This shows how close Zippin is to completing invoices for the event or day.
averageShoppingTime number The mean number of seconds between an individual shopper entering the store through the entry turnstile and exiting the store through the exit turnstile.
conversionRate number The percentage of all shoppers who actually made purchases in the store. In case of group shopping, the system considers as a single shopper. This rate is derived from total number of orders against total number of carts.
topSellingItems array The product wise number of items sold and their sales amount.
topSellingCategories array The category wise number of items sold and their sales amount.
groupedGrossSales array Gross receipts for the given intervals.
averageItemsPerCart number The mean number of items per cart with purchases.
averageCartSize number The mean amount of gross receipts per cart with purchases.
repeatShoppers number The number of repeat shoppers who return to the store multiple times for more shopping. Typically, a repeat shopper has made at least two purchases from the store.
estimatedGrossReceipts number The number of individuals who have entered the store multiplied by the conversion rate (from individual entering the store to purchasing) multiplied by the average spend per individual purchasing. This estimate is generated once we have processed enough data to be confident that it will be very close to the final gross receipts amount.
underReview number The total amount that is under review when processing the dispute request.
currency string The common currency code of all the supplied stores. Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase.
currencySymbol string The common currency symbol of all the supplied stores.

Here are few scenarios of responses when the API is called:

Scenario 1:

startTime = 2022-09-01 and endTime = 2022-09-01

This API returns all shopper carts created between 2022-09-01 00:00:00 and 2022-09-01 23:59:59.

The API response returns the above Cart Id 1 with 50 in the received amount and 0 in the pending amount.

Scenario 2:

startTime = 2022-09-02 and endTime = 2022-09-02

This API returns all shopper carts created between 2022-09-02 00:00:00 and 2022-09-02 23:59:59.

The API response returns the above Cart Id 2 with 0 in the received amount and 50 in the pending amount.

startTime = 2022-09-03 and endTime = 2022-09-03

This API returns all shopper carts created between 2022-09-03 00:00:00 and 2022-09-03 23:59:59.

The API response returns the above Cart Id 3 with 50 in the received amount and 0 in the pending amount. It will not return the previous day (2022-09-02) Cart Id 2 that is billed today.

Scenario 3:

startTime = 2022-09-04 and endTime = 2022-09-04

This API returns all shopper carts created between 2022-09-04 00:00:00 and 2022-09-04 23:59:59.

The API response returns the above Cart Id 4 with 50 in the received amount and 0 in the pending amount. It will not return the 2022-09-01 Cart Id 1 that is refunded today.


Time Synchronization

This is achievable using standard NTP synchronization and is critical to accurately perform sensor fusion using all available event data. The system is required to use our internal NTP server (if possible) for synchronization to minimize any external disruptions and better synchronize the system as a whole. And if the internal store NTP server is not available, use the most accurate public time source available.


Replace the API endpoint and API key.

curl -X POST \
  "http://zippin-gateway/api/v1/events/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJpdiI6ImRLY29wdzA5dVVBWkw0SGQ5aUdXZ0E9PSIsInZhbUmRmNmDE" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{ 
    "type": "person-access",
    "sent_ts": 1689172938810,
    "store_id": "store123",
    "source": "qr11",
    "start": 1689172938799, 
    "end": 1689172938805,
    "attributes": [{
      "user_token": "aW0gYSBsaXR0bGUgdGVhcIHNob3J0IGFuZCBzdG91dA",
      "decision": "ALLOW",
      "payment_method": "chip",
      "payment_type": "credit",
      "card_brand": "VISA",
      "card_last4" : "1005",
      "card_expiry_date" : "02/24",
    "provider_id": "payment_partner_xyz",
    "provider_data": {"membership_id": "DFoLhapMRK2RRafSogLHMQ"}


200 OK

  "id": "7955a66c-2738-4662-a4c4-e08e8beaf332",
  "type": "person-access",
  "sent_ts": 1689172938810,
  "store_id": "store123",
  "source": "qr11",
  "start": 1689172938799, 
  "end": 1689172938805,
  "attributes": [{
    "user_token": "aW0gYSBsaXR0bGUgdGVhcIHNob3J0IGFuZCBzdG91dA",
    "decision": "ALLOW"
    "payment_method": "chip",
    "payment_type": "credit",
    "card_brand": "VISA",
    "card_last4" : "1005",
    "card_expiry_date" : "02/24",
  "provider_id": "payment_partner_xyz",
  "provider_data": {"membership_id": "DFoLhapMRK2RRafSogLHMQ"}

The Events API allows the integration partner to send events to the Zippin system. This is a generic API to support multiple use-cases such as entry check-in, IOT dispensing systems, made to order, and more.

The Events object represents a customer interaction with the store system. For example, an event that the shopper scanned a credit card before entering the store.



POST http://zippin-gateway/api/v1/events/

Request Attributes

Attribute Required? Type Description
type yes string Event type to identify different interactions such as person-access for entry check-in; and items-purchased for a coffee dispensing machine.
sent_ts yes int Message send time in milliseconds since the epoch. This is the time when this message was sent from the client. This is useful in terms of measuring clock skew between the client and the server.
store_id yes string The identifier of the store.
source yes string Source for the event. For example, for person-access event, source identifies the entrance that should be opened to let the shopper enter the store.
start yes int Event start timestamp in milliseconds since the epoch. For person-access event, start is when the shopper starts scanning the card.
end yes int Event end timestamp in milliseconds since the epoch. For person-access event, end is when the shopper is authorized to enter.
attributes yes array An array of event-specific JSON objects. See Event Specific Attributes.
provider_id optional string Identifier of the Payment Partner as configured during the setup process.
provider_data optional JSON Additional integration specific data. provider_id is required when sending any data in provider_data.


Returns the request payload on success or an error on failure.

Response Attributes

Attribute Required? Type Description
id generated uuid4 Unique identifier for this event. This is auto-generated.
type yes string Event type to identify different interactions such as person-access for entry check-in; and items-purchased for a coffee dispensing machine.
sent_ts yes int Message send time in milliseconds since the epoch. This is the time when this message was sent from the client. This is useful in terms of measuring clock skew between the client and the server.
store_id yes string The identifier of the store.
source yes string Source for the event. For example, for person-access event, source identifies the entrance that should be opened to let the shopper enter the store.
start yes int Event start timestamp in milliseconds since the epoch. For person-access event, start is when the shopper starts scanning the card.
end yes int Event end timestamp in milliseconds since the epoch. For person-access event, end is when the shopper is authorized to enter.
attributes yes array An array of event-specific JSON objects. See Event Specific Attributes.
provider_id optional string Identifier of the Payment Partner as configured during the setup process.
provider_data optional JSON Additional integration specific data. provider_id is required when sending any data in provider_data.

Event Specific Attributes


Attribute Required? Type Description
user_token yes string (uuid4 or a similar string) Identifies the user entering the store. It is recommended, however not required, to send the same token every time the same user enters the store, or the same card is scanned.
decision yes string One of the following values:
  • ALLOW - The shopper is authorized for shopping.
  • DENY - The shopper is not authorized for shopping. Payments Partner can decide to not integrate the DENY option.
decline_reason optional string Reason for DENY decision. Payments Partner can decide to not integrate the DENY option.
payment_method optional string The mode of entry. For example, swipe, tap, or more.
payment_type optional string The type of payment, whether credit or debit.
card_brand optional string The card network of the card the shopper used for shopping. For example, VISA, Mastercard, and more.
card_last4 yes string The last four digits of the card. This is required for the receipt microsite where Zippin is responsible for billing.
card_expiry_date yes string The expiry date of the card.


Replace the API endpoint and API key.

curl -X GET \
  "http://zippin-gateway/api/v1/configs?store_id=<store_id>&system_id=<system-id>" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJpdiI6ImRLY29wdzA5dVVBWkw0SGQ5aUdXZ0E9PSIsInZhbUmRmNmDE" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"


200 OK

  "store_id": "store123",
  "system_id": "tr03",
  "store_status": "UP",
  "updated_ts": 1689172938810,
  "configuration": {
    "config_version": "3.1.2",

The purpose of using this API is twofold:

It is beneficial especially to fetch the state of the store to turn on or off different systems. For example, if the store is in down mode, the Payments Partner can show relevant message on their device to let the customers know that the store is closed for shopping.

If implemented this API must be called at the start of the connector service. Device configuration is usually needed to setup devices to operate properly.

If this API is not implemented, configuration parameters can be configured manually and not by fetching through this API, thus ignoring the state of the store.



GET http://zippin-gateway/api/v1/configs?store_id=<store_id>&system_id=<system-id>

Parameter Required? Type Description
store_id yes string The identifier of the store.
system_id yes string Target system for this configuration. The configuration is coming from the cloud specific for this system.


Returns the latest configuration.

Response Attributes

Attribute Required? Type Description
store_id yes string The identifier of the store.
store_status yes string, enum The current store mode. Valid values are:
  • UP - Store is running normally.
  • MAINTENANCE - Store is in maintenance mode.
  • DOWN - Store is currently down.
system_id yes string Target system for this configuration. The configuration is coming from the cloud specific for this system.
updated_ts yes int Timestamp indicating when the data was last updated. UTC in ms since epoch.
configuration yes JSON The configuration data specific to a particular device.


Replace the API endpoint and API key.

curl -X POST \
  "https://zippin-gateway/api/v1/metrics/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJpdiI6ImRLY29wdzA5dVVBWkw0SGQ5aUdXZ0E9PSIsInZhbUmRmNmDE" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{ 
    "sent_ts": 1689172938810,
    "store_id": "store123",
    "source": "qr11",
    "metrics": [{
      "heartbeat": {"ts": 1689172938810, "value": 0}


200 OK

  "id": "7955a66c-2738-4662-a4c4-e08e8beaf332",
  "sent_ts": 1689172938810,
  "store_id": "store123",
  "source": "qr11",
  "metrics": [{
    "heartbeat": {"ts": 1689172938810, "value": 0}

This is an object that represents information useful for monitoring the health, function, and performance of a subsystem of a store. These are metrics that enable Zippin to determine if a subsystem is working properly or is in the need of debugging and maintenance. For Payments Partner, this includes the health metrics for the card readers at the store entrance.



POST https://zippin-gateway/api/v1/metrics/

Request Attributes

Attribute Required? Type Description
sent_ts yes int This is the time when this message was sent from the client. Time in milliseconds since the epoch.
store_id yes string Zippin store identifier.
source yes string Uniquely identify the source system sending these metrics. For example, the card reader at the entrance.
metrics yes JSON Array Array of key-value pairs where key is the metric name and value is an array of data-points - each with value, ts, and labels. Metric content details:
  • value - A float64 value. Allowed values:
    • 0 - OK and running normally
    • Non-0 - System is not ok and requires attention. This value is used to help determine the problem.
  • ts - A millisecond-precision timestamp.
  • labels - (Optional) Do not use labels to store dimensions with high cardinality (many different label values), such as user IDs, email addresses, or other unbounded sets of values.


Returns the request payload on success or an error on failure.

Response Attributes

Attribute Required? Type Description
id generated uuid4 Unique identifier for this metric.
sent_ts yes int This is the time when this message was sent from the client. Time in milliseconds since the epoch.
store_id yes string Zippin store identifier.
source yes string Uniquely identify the source system sending these metrics. For example, the card reader at the entrance.
metrics yes JSON Array Array of key-value pairs where key is the metric name and value is an array of data-points - each with value, ts, and labels. Metric content details:
  • value - A float64 value. Allowed values:
    • 0 - OK and running normally
    • Non-0 - System is not ok and requires attention. This value is used to help determine the problem.
  • ts - A millisecond-precision timestamp.
  • labels - (Optional) Do not use labels to store dimensions with high cardinality (many different label values), such as user IDs, email addresses, or other unbounded sets of values.

Retailer/Partner APIs

You will implement these APIs and provide endpoints to Zippin.

Cart Submission

Replace the API endpoint and API key.

curl -X POST \
  "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJpdiI6ImRLY29wdzA5dVVBWkw0SGQ5aUdXZ0E9PSIsInZhbUmRmNmDE" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "storeId": "S6241",
    "entryTimestamp": 1552088527,
    "exitTimestamp": 1552088597,
    "cartId": "o-0e674fdf-f27e-4a39-9c3d-46ec59a361df",
    "items": [
            "sku": "FAY010008147",
            "quantity": 1
            "sku": "789CXP008147",
            "quantity": 2
    "shoppers": [
    "updatedAt": 1607581491,
    "corrected": true,
    "disputes": [
        "id": 1607581491_789CXP008147,
        "sku": "789CXP008147",
        "quantity": 1,
        "action": "remove",
        "description": "I took only one item",
        "status": "approved",
        "review_notes": "Billing error, dispute approved"
        "id": 1607581703_FAY010008147,
        "sku": "FAY010008147",
        "quantity": 1,
        "action": "add",
        "description": "I took two of this item",
        "status": "approved",
        "review_notes": "Billing error, dispute approved"


  "orderId": "47132462ff0d-723a"

Zippin calls your API to submit the cart after shopper leaves the store.

This API may be called multiple times for same cartId. On subsequent call with same cartId, shopper must be billed only if not billed earlier for this cartId.

The response orderId is unique for this cartId. This orderId must be the same if this API is called again for same cartId.

If group shopping is enabled, there is one cart for whole group. This means there is only 1 cart submission with all the products shopped by the group. Group shopping may also be be referred as Family shopping. Entry and Exit notifications are sent for individual shoppers in the group.

If group shopping is not enabled, then each shopper has 1 cart. This means a cart is submitted for each shopper.

Corrected cart

When you get a dispute request, you can use our Dispute API or the orders dashboard to submit with requested details to help us resolve the dispute. The dispute request can be approved in case identified any discrepancy or rejected if not.

The given dispute quantity will be added to the item if the dispute action is "add" (under-billed) and the given dispute quantity will be reduced from the item if the dispute action is "remove" (over-billed) only for the approved dispute request.

This API will be called with corrected items, corrected flag = true and dispute request details when we resolve the dispute. This API will be called with dispute details even though all the dispute requests are rejected.

The corrected flag will be false and there is no dispute attribute in case there is no dispute for a cart.




URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
userToken string Identifies the user who is responsible for this cart.

Request Attributes

Attribute Type Description
storeId string The identifier of the store.
entryTimestamp timestamp Entry time of the shopper. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
exitTimestamp timestamp Exit time of the shopper. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
cartId string Zippin cart id for this shopping session.
items array (Optional) An array of items (SKU and quantity) in the cart. This will be empty when cart does not have any items.
shoppers array An array of shoppers associated with the cart. If group shopping is enabled, there may be multiple shoppers for same cart. Otherwise, there is only 1 shopper for the cart.
updatedAt timestamp Timestamp when cart was updated. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
corrected "true" or "false" This flag will be true when there is a dispute request for the cart else false.
disputes array An array of dispute object in the cart. This will be empty when cart does not have any disputes.


Optionally returns a retailer Order ID unique for the submitted cartId.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
orderId string (Optional) The retailer Order ID unique for the cart.


Replace the API endpoint and API key.

curl -X POST \
  "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJpdiI6ImRLY29wdzA5dVVBWkw0SGQ5aUdXZ0E9PSIsInZhbUmRmNmDE" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "type": "entry",
    "storeId": "store123",
    "userToken": "9fabb8f0-2de1-4b75-9d3c-d5ddc1467999",
    "timestamp": 1529572012,
    "cartId": "o-a61fb38a-7ae8-4bdc-8c1b-bb771691d92f"


200 OK

Zippin calls your API to send the user entry and exit event notifications. This API will not be called again in case of failure. Entry and Exit notifications are sent for individual shoppers in the group.




Request Attributes

Attribute Type Description
type string The type of the event. One of "entry" or "exit".
storeId string The identifier of the store.
userToken string The identifier of the user.
timestamp timestamp Entry or exit time of the event. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
cartId string The identifier of the cart.


Returns the success or failure status code.

QR Code Validation

Replace the API endpoint and API key.

curl -X POST \
  "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJpdiI6ImRLY29wdzA5dVVBWkw0SGQ5aUdXZ0E9PSIsInZhbUmRmNmDE" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "storeId": "store123",
    "entranceId": "qr11",
    "code": "123456789",
    "userToken": "9fabb8f0-2de1-4b75-9d3c-d5ddc1467999"


200 OK
  "decision": "allow", // or "deny"
  "userToken": "9fabb8f0-2de1-4b75-9d3c-d5ddc1467999",
  "decline_reason": "insufficient balance"

This API applies when you generate the QR code but not in Zippin specified format. In this case, Zippin is unable to verify the QR code when the shopper scans the QR code, instead the Zippin Access Service reads the QR code and calls your Authorizations REST API for QR code validation. This API returns an Allow or Deny response.




Request Attributes

Attribute Type Description
storeId string Required. The identifier of the store. This is configured in Zippin system during the store set-up.
entranceId string Required. The identifier of the gate/turnstile/location where the QR code was scanned.
code string Required. Scanned QR code.
userToken string The identifier of the user generated by Zippin.


Returns the success or failure status code.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
decision string Required. Valid values are "allow" or "deny". If the decision is "allow", the gate opens allowing the shopper to enter. If the decision is "deny", your app must notify the shopper about the reason for not allowing entry to the store.
userToken string Required. The identifier of the user. Return the user token sent in request or overwrite what you generated. This user token will be used for identifying the user.
decline_reason string Optional. Reason for decline.

Webhook/Push Transactions

Replace the API endpoint and API key.

curl -X POST \
  "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJpdiI6ImRLY29wdzA5dVVBWkw0SGQ5aUdXZ0E9PSIsInZhbUmRmNmDE" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
      "cartId": "6feba34d-7242-489e-8357-1634007d4b20",
      "userToken": "fb9afe2b-d22b-4903-8e66-c73745aa69a9",
      "items": [
          "unitPrice": 0.9,
          "discountsApplied": [
              "code": "Broncos - 20% off Concessions",
              "amount": 0.9
          "quantity": 5,
          "sku": "DTSNPLPCH",
          "name": "Diet Snapple Peach Tea, 20 fl oz",
          "categories": [
              "code": "beernmore",
              "name": "Beer"
          "grossAmount": 4.89,
          "grossTax": 0.39,
          "discount": 0,
          "loyalty": 0.9,
          "taxes": [
              "name": "Sales Tax",
              "type": "percentage",
              "sales_tax": 8.5679
          "grossTaxes": [
              "sales_tax": 0.39,
              "name": "Sales Tax"
          "gratuity": 0
          "unitPrice": 50.01,
          "discountsApplied": [
              "code": "Broncos - 20% off Concessions",
              "amount": 10
          "quantity": 1,
          "sku": "GATORTEST",
          "name": "gator1",
          "categories": [
              "code": "drinks",
              "name": "Drinks"
          "grossAmount": 50.01,
          "grossTax": 0,
          "discount": 0,
          "loyalty": 10,
          "taxes": [
              "name": "Sales Tax",
              "type": "percentage",
              "sales_tax": 0
          "grossTaxes": [
              "sales_tax": 0,
              "name": "Sales Tax"
          "gratuity": 0.1
      "status": "paid",
      "storeId": "lowceil",
      "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
      "entryTimestamp": "2022-09-14T01:30:00.000-07:00",
      "exitTimestamp": "2022-09-14T01:35:00.000-07:00",
      "processedDate": "2022-09-14T03:37:53.000-07:00",
      "totalItems": 6,
      "updatedAt": 1663299629,
      "loyalty": 10.9,
      "loyaltyMembership": {"id":["gwztop","jmDtkY"],"provider":"lava"},
      "grossAmount": 54.9,
      "grossTax": 0.39,
      "grossTaxes": [
          "sales_tax": 0.39,
          "name": "Sales Tax"
      "receivedTaxes": [
          "sales_tax": 0.19,
          "name": "Sales Tax"
      "discount": 0,
      "declinedAmount": 0,
      "refundAmount": 1.56,
      "refundBackToCard": 0,
      "receivedAmount": 42.36,
      "receivedTax": 0.19,
      "gratuity": 0.1,
      "receivedGratuity": 0.1,
      "paymentGatewayName": "freedompay",
      "errorCode": "",
      "errorMessage": "",
      "payments": [
          "paymentAmount": 42.36,
          "paymentDate": "2022-09-14T03:40:00.000-07:00",
          "paymentReferenceId": "89992592779951686497",
          "paymentMode": "Credit/debit card",
          "last4": "1003",
          "brand": "VISA"
      "refunds": [
          "refundAmount": 1.56,
          "refundDate": "2022-09-14T05:00:00.000-07:00",
          "refundItems": [
              "sku": "DTSNPLPCH",
              "quantity": 2
          "refundReferenceId": "c8d9c470-9cb7-4619-b165-8aa617a0ab83",
          "refundBackToCard": 0,
          "paymentMode": "Credit/debit card",
          "last4": "1003",
          "brand": "VISA"


200 OK

This API pushes all transactions of a cart. If the cart is charged through an external billing system, it will only push the cart submission transaction. If the cart is charged through Zippin's billing system, it will push the cart submission, payment and refund transactions.




Request Attributes

Attribute Type Description
cartId string The Zippin cart identifier for a shopping session.
userToken string Identifies the user who is responsible for this cart.
items array A list of items in the cart. This field is blank in case there are no items in the cart.
status string The status of the cart. The status can be Processed, Processing failed, Ready for billing, failed, partial, paid.
storeId string The identifier of the retailer store.
timezone string The local time zone of the store. For example, "America/Los_Angeles".
entryTimestamp string Date and time of the shopper entry. It is displayed in ISO 8601 local date and time format, including time zone offset. For example, yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnn+hh:mm.
exitTimestamp string Date and time of the shopper exit. It is displayed in ISO 8601 local date and time format, including time zone offset. For example, yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnn+hh:mm.
processedDate string Date and time the cart was processed. It is displayed in ISO 8601 local date and time format, including time zone offset. For example, yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnn+hh:mm.
totalItems number The total quantity of items purchased.
updatedAt number Timestamp when the cart was last updated. It is measured in seconds from the Unix epoch.
loyaltyMembership object Optional. An object containing a list of loyalty IDs and loyalty provider/partner ID of the third party loyalty membership program. In case of group shopping, it is the membership ID of the shopper who is charged. This field is blank when the loyalty membership code is not scanned by the shopper while shopping. This applies only to carts charged using Zippin's billing system.
grossAmount number Optional. The total amount of all the items purchased, regardless of whether or not payment succeeded, and before discounts and refunds including tax. In the UI, this field is represented as Gross Receipts. This applies only to carts charged using Zippin's billing system.
grossTax number Optional. The applicable tax component of gross receipts. This applies only to carts charged using Zippin's billing system.
grossTaxes array Optional. The applicable tax component of gross receipts at tax type level. This applies only to carts charged using Zippin's billing system.
receivedTaxes array Optional. The tax component of the received amount at tax type level. This applies only to carts charged using Zippin's billing system.
discount number Optional. The total discounts applied on purchased items. This applies only to carts charged using Zippin's billing system.
loyalty number Optional. The total loyalty amount applied on purchased items. This applies only to carts charged using Zippin's billing system.
declinedAmount number Optional. The total amount submitted to the payment gateway or processor that was declined. Partial or the total amount may be automatically resubmitted after a short period of time and subsequently be approved. In the UI, this field is represented as Declined Payments. This applies only to carts charged using Zippin's billing system.
refundAmount number Optional. The items returned before the payment is submitted or failed payments, thus reducing the shopper's payment, or after the shopper has paid. This can be items returned and amount both. In the UI, this field is represented as Refunds. This applies only to carts charged using Zippin's billing system.
refundBackToCard number Optional. The amount of money refunded to a shopper's credit card after the shopper has made the payment. The value may be zero or less if the cart has declined payments. This applies only to carts charged using Zippin's billing system.
receivedAmount number Optional. The net amount received after deducting discounts, loyalty, declined payments, and refunds, then adding received tax. This applies only to carts charged using Zippin's billing system.
receivedTax number Optional. The tax component of the received amount. This applies only to carts charged using Zippin's billing system.
gratuity number Optional. The applicable gratuity component of gross receipts. This applies only to carts charged using Zippin's billing system.
receivedGratuity number Optional. The gratuity component of the received amount. This applies only to carts charged using Zippin's billing system.
paymentGatewayName string Optional. The name of the payment gateway used to charge a cart. This applies only to carts charged using Zippin's billing system.
errorCode string The error code from the payment gateway for a failed payment of a cart.
errorMessage string The error message from the payment gateway for a failed payment of a cart.
payments array Optional. A list of payment objects. This applies only to carts charged using Zippin's billing system.
refunds array Optional. A list of refunds objects. This applies only to carts charged using Zippin's billing system.
currency string Optional. The common currency code of all the supplied stores. Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. This applies only to carts charged using Zippin's billing system.

The Cart Item Object

Attribute Type Description
sku string The unique ID of the SKU (stock keeping units) that identifies an item in the cart.
name string The name of the SKU.
categories array A list of category objects. A single SKU can have multiple categories associated with it.
quantity number A positive integer representing the quantity of the SKU purchased.
unitPrice number A positive integer representing the unit price of the SKU. The value is blank in case of non-Zippin payment processing.
discountsApplied array A list of discount objects representing promotions and loyalty discounts applied to the items in the cart. The object consists of a unique discount code and total amount. The code can be either a Zippin promotion code or a third-party loyalty code.
grossAmount number The total amount of all the items purchased, regardless of whether or not payment succeeded, and before discounts and refunds including tax. In the UI, this field is represented as Gross Receipts.
grossTax number The applicable tax component of gross receipts.
gratuity number Optional. The applicable gratuity component of gross receipts.
discount number The total discounts applied on purchased items.
loyalty number The total loyalty amount applied on purchased items.
taxes array The tax applicable to the purchased item. The default value is 0.
grossTaxes array The tax applied to the purchased item gross amount. The default value is 0.

The Cart Payment Object

Attribute Type Description
paymentAmount number The amount charged to the shopper for the transaction.
paymentDate string The date on which the payment is done for the transaction. It is displayed in ISO 8601 local date and time format, including time zone offset. For example, yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnn+hh:mm.
paymentReferenceId string The Id of the payment gateway or the loyalty charge transaction.
paymentMode string The payment method used for this transaction.
last4 string The card last4 used for this transaction.
brand string The card brand used for this transaction.

The Cart Refund Object

Attribute Type Description
refundAmount number The items returned before the payment is submitted or failed payments, thus reducing the shopper's payment, or after the shopper has paid. This can be items returned and amount both. In the UI, this field is represented as Refunds.
refundDate string The date on which the refund is done. It is displayed in ISO 8601 local date and time format, including time zone offset. For example, yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnn+hh:mm.
refundReferenceId string The Id of the payment gateway or the loyalty refund transaction.
refundBackToCard number The amount of money refunded to a shopper's credit card after the shopper has made the payment. The value may be zero or less if the cart has declined payments.
refundItems array A list of refunded items object. The object contains SKU code and quantity.
paymentMode string The payment method used for this transaction.
last4 string The card last4 used for this transaction.
brand string The card brand used for this transaction.


Returns the success or failure HTTP status code.

Transaction delivery behaviors

This section helps you understand different behaviors to expect regarding how Zippin sends transactions to your webhook/push transaction endpoint.

Cart submission behavior

curl -X POST \
  "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJpdiI6ImRLY29wdzA5dVVBWkw0SGQ5aUdXZ0E9PSIsInZhbUmRmNmDE" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "cartId": "6feba34d-7242-489e-8357-1634007d4b20",
    "userToken": "fb9afe2b-d22b-4903-8e66-c73745aa69a9",
    "items": [
        "unitPrice": 0.9,
        "discountsApplied": [
            "code": "Broncos - 20% off Concessions",
            "amount": 0.9
        "quantity": 5,
        "sku": "DTSNPLPCH",
        "name": "Diet Snapple Peach Tea, 20 fl oz",
        "categories": [
            "code": "beernmore",
            "name": "Beer"
        "grossAmount": 0,
        "grossTax": 0,
        "discount": 0,
        "loyalty": 0,
        "taxRate": 0,
        "taxes": [],
        "grossTaxes": [],
        "gratuity": 0
        "unitPrice": 50.01,
        "discountsApplied": [
            "code": "Broncos - 20% off Concessions",
            "amount": 10
        "quantity": 1,
        "sku": "GATORTEST",
        "name": "gator1",
        "categories": [
            "code": "drinks",
            "name": "Drinks"
        "grossAmount": 0,
        "grossTax": 0,
        "discount": 0,
        "loyalty": 0,
        "taxRate": 0,
        "taxes": [],
        "grossTaxes": [],
        "gratuity": 0
    "status": "Processed",
    "storeId": "lowceil",
    "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "entryTimestamp": "2022-09-14T01:30:00.000-07:00",
    "exitTimestamp": "2022-09-14T01:35:00.000-07:00",
    "processedDate": "2022-09-14T03:37:53.000-07:00",
    "updatedAt": 1663299629,
    "totalItems": 6,
    "loyaltyMembership": {},
    "grossAmount": 0,
    "grossTax": 0,
    "grossTaxes": [],
    "receivedTaxes": [],
    "gratuity": 0,
    "receivedGratuity": 0,
    "discount": 0,
    "loyalty": 0,
    "declinedAmount": 0,
    "refundAmount": 0,
    "refundBackToCard": 0,
    "receivedAmount": 0,
    "receivedTax": 0,
    "paymentGatewayName": "",
    "errorCode": "",
    "errorMessage": "",
    "payments": [],
    "refunds": [],
    "currency": "USD"

When the cart is submitted to the payment system for billing, Zippin sends the transaction details without financial data, such as gross amount, received amount, payments, and refunds etc. You still get those attributes but the value can be 0 or empty.


A processed status is sent when the cart is successfully submitted to the payment system for billing.

Processing failed

When the cart is submitted to the payment system for billing, if the cart submission fails, a Processing failed status is sent with an errorCode and errorMessage. The same items or updated items will be pushed when the cart is successfully resubmitted.

Empty cart

The payload is pushed with empty array items ("items": []) when the shopper has not purchased anything.

Payment behavior

After processing the payment, Zippin sends transaction details along with financial data such as total amount, received amount, payments and refunds etc. Payment status can be failed, partial or paid. Failure to pay the full cart amount will result in failed status. If only part of the cart amount is charged it will result in partial status. If the full cart amount is charged it will result in paid status.

Refund behavior

After processing the dispute request, Zippin sends the transaction details along with financial data such as total amount, received amount, payments and refunds etc.

You will get a status of Ready for Billing when the dispute is processed before processing the payment.

You will get a status of failed, partial or paid when the dispute is processed after processing the payment.

Retry behavior

Payment is retried in case of failed or partial status. Zippin sends transaction details along with financial data such as total amount, received amount, payments and refunds etc only when the payment is successful.

Loyalty ID

Replace the API endpoint and API key.

curl -X POST \
  "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJpdiI6ImRLY29wdzA5dVVBWkw0SGQ5aUdXZ0E9PSIsInZhbUmRmNmDE" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "store_id": "store123",
    "code": "q2Q4NqIKDmsKAd9Vsw5hPHB1YKJ95ea8odOroic",
    "scan_timestamp": 1689172938805,


  "loyalty_id": "DFoLhapMRK2RRafSogLHMQ",
  "data": {
    "customer_id": "Q8002FAM9V1EZ0ADB2T5609X6NET1H"

Zippin calls the loyalty partner backend to retrieve the long-lived Loyalty ID. If the scanned code itself is long-lived, loyalty partner can skip implementing this API and Zippin will use the scanned code as the loyalty id, otherwise, loyalty partner needs to implement this API endpoint.




Request Attributes

Attribute Type Description
store_id string The identifier of the store.
code string The loyalty code scanned by the shopper.
scan_timestamp number Time of loyalty code scan. Measured in milliseconds since the epoch.


Return long-lived loyalty id corresponding to the scanned code.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
loyalty_id string Long-lived loyalty id corresponding to the scanned code. This can be same as the code if that itself is long-lived.
data JSON (Optional) Any other integration data, if needed.


Replace the API endpoint and API key.

curl -X POST \
  "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJpdiI6ImRLY29wdzA5dVVBWkw0SGQ5aUdXZ0E9PSIsInZhbUmRmNmDE" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "store_id": "S6241",
    "cart_id": "0e674fdf-f27e-4a39-9c3d-46ec59a361df",
    "user_token": "9fabb8f0-2de1-9d3c-d5ddc1467999",
    "total_amount": 5,
    "currency": "USD",
    "items": [
        "sku": "DTSNLPCH",
        "name": "Diet Snapple",
        "quantity": 1,
        "unit_price": 5,
        "taxes": [
            "sales_tax": 8.5,
            "type": "percentage"
    "providers": [
        "id": "partner-xyz",
        "data": {
          "loyalty_id": "DFoLhapMRK2RRafSogLHMQ",
          "data": {
            "customer_id": "Q8002FAM9V1EZ0ADB2T5609X6NET1H"
        "id": "partner-xyz",
        "data": {
          "loyalty_id": "SogLHMQK2RRafDFoLhapMR",
          "data": {
            "customer_id": "ADB2T5609X6NET1HQ8002FAM9V1EZ0"


  "user_token": "9fabb8f0-2de1-9d3c-d5ddc1467999",
  "transaction_id": "38e07e0e-c90d-47d5-866b-d506a21a4dcb",
  "currency": "USD",
  "discounts": [
      "value": 50,
      "type": "percentage",
      "coupon_code": "50_PERCENT_OFF",
      "description": "50% off"
  "items": [
      "sku": "DTSNLPCH",
      "discounts": [
          "value": 5,
          "type": "absolute",
          "coupon_code": "1OFF",
          "description": "$5 off"
      "sku": "COKE",
      "discounts": [
          "value": 20,
          "type": "percentage",
          "coupon_code": "20_PERCENT_OFF",
          "description": "20% off"

To apply promotions to a cart, Zippin calls the loyalty partner backend in the cloud.




Request Attributes

Attribute Type Description
store_id string The identifier of the store.
cart_id string The identifier of the Zippin cart.
user_token string The identifier of the shopper.
total_amount number The identifier of the shopper.
currency string Transaction currency code in ISO 4217 3 Character Alphabetic Code.
items array An array of items (SKU and quantity) in the cart. There must be at least one item in the cart.
providers array Array of JSON objects (id, data) containing the identifier of the loyalty partner and all loyalty ids and any other integration data sent to Zippin as part of Loyalty ID API responses.


Returns the applied discount details.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
cart_id string (Optional) The identifier of the Zippin cart.
user_token string (Optional) The identifier of the shopper.
transaction_id string (Optional) The identifier of the transaction.
currency string (Optional) Transaction currency code in ISO 4217 3 Character Alphabetic Code.
discounts array Discount applied on an item or at the cart level or both.
items array An array of items (SKU, name, quantity, discounts) in the cart.


Replace the API endpoint and API key.

curl -X POST \
  "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJpdiI6ImRLY29wdzA5dVVBWkw0SGQ5aUdXZ0E9PSIsInZhbUmRmNmDE" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "store_id": "store123",
    "cart_id": "0e674fdf-f27e-4a39-9c3d-46ec59a361df",
    "user_token": "aW0gYSBsaXR0bGUgdGVhcIHNob3J0IGFuZCBzdG91dA",
    "total_amount": 5,
    "tax_amount": 1,
    "currency": "USD",
    "entrance_id": "qr11",
    "entry_timestamp": 1689172938805,
    "exit_timestamp": 1689172939050,
    "discounts": [
        "amount": 5,
        "type": "percentage",
        "coupon_code": "5OFF",
        "description": "5% off"
    "items": [
        "sku": "DTSNLPCH",
        "name": "Diet Snapple",
        "quantity": 1,
        "unit_price": 5,
        "taxes": [
            "sales_tax": 8.5,
            "type": "percentage"
        "discounts": [
            "amount": 2,
            "type": "absolute",
            "coupon_code": "2OFF",
            "description": "$2 off"
    "providers": [
        "id": "partner_xyz",
        "data": {
          "auth_amount": 20,
          "card_last4": 1234


  "cart_id": "0e674fdf-f27e-4a39-9c3d-46ec59a361df",
  "transaction_id": "38e07e0e-c90d-47d5-866b-d506a21a4dcb",
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "total_amount": 5,
  "tax_amount": 1,
  "paid_amounts": [
      "payment_type": "stored-cash",
      "amount": 3.5
      "payment_type": "credit",
      "amount": 1.5

Zippin calls the partner backend in the cloud to charge the final amount.




Request Attributes

Attribute Type Description
store_id string The identifier of the store.
cart_id string The identifier of the Zippin cart.
user_token string The identifier of the shopper.
total_amount number Order amount to be charged.
tax_amount number Order tax amount, included in total_amount.
entrance_id string The identifier of the entrance from where the shopper entered the store.
entry_timestamp number Entry time of the shopper. Measured in milliseconds since the epoch.
exit_timestamp number Exit time of the shopper. Measured in milliseconds since the epoch.
currency string ISO 4217 currency code. For example, USD, NOK, and more.
items string An array of items (SKU, name, quantity, unit_price, taxes, discounts) in the cart. There must be at least one item in the cart.
providers array Array of JSON objects (id, data) containing the identifier of the partner and any other integration data sent to Zippin.


Returns the charge details.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
cart_id string (Optional) The identifier of the Zippin cart.
transaction_id string (Optional) The identifier of the transaction on the partner’s side. This can help Zippin map the cart to this transaction.
status string (Optional) Status of payment transaction - SUCCESS, FAILURE, or PARTIAL.
total_amount number Order amount that was charged.
tax_amount number Order tax amount, included in total_amount.
paid_amounts array An array of JSON objects specifying amounts charged per payment type. Amounts should add up to total_amount.


Replace the API endpoint and API key.

curl -X POST \
  "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJpdiI6ImRLY29wdzA5dVVBWkw0SGQ5aUdXZ0E9PSIsInZhbUmRmNmDE" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "store_id": "store123",
    "cart_id": "0e674fdf-f27e-4a39-9c3d-46ec59a361df",
    "user_token": "aW0gYSBsaXR0bGUgdGVhcIHNob3J0IGFuZCBzdG91dA",
    "total_amount": 6.48,
    "currency": "USD",
    "refund_id": "6a474bde-f47c-6b34-ac2e-46ed59a452eb",
    "refund_timestamp": 1689172939089,
    "items": [
        "sku": "DTSNLPCH",
        "name": "Diet Snapple",
        "quantity": 1,
        "unit_price": 5,
        "taxes": [
            "sales_tax": 8.5,
            "type": "percentage"
        "discounts": [
            "amount": 2,
            "type": "absolute",
            "coupon_code": "2OFF",
            "description": "$2 off"
    "providers": [
        "id": "payment_partner_xyz",
        "data": {
          "loyalty_id": "DFoLhapMRK2RRafSogLHMQ",
          "auth_amount": 20,
          "card_last4": 1234


  "refund_id": "6a474bde-f47c-6b34-ac2e-46ed59a452eb",
  "transaction_id": "49e07e0e-c60d-47r5-867b-d506a21a65rg"

Zippin calls the partner backend in the cloud to issue the refund.

If there is a dispute raised by a shopper, you can call the Dispute Cart API or contact Zippin Support.

  1. Zippin receives the refund request.
  2. A ticket is created for investigation.
  3. If the refund is approved, Zippin calls the partner backend in the cloud to issue the refund.




Request Attributes

Attribute Type Description
store_id string The identifier of the store.
cart_id string The identifier of the Zippin cart.
user_token string The identifier of the shopper.
total_amount number The amount to be refunded.
currency string Transaction currency code in ISO 4217 3 Character Alphabetic Code.
refund_id string The identifier of the Zippin refund request. It's in the UUID v4 format and unique across refund requests.
refund_timestamp number Time when the refund was initiated. Measured in milliseconds since the epoch.
items array An array of items (SKU, name, quantity, unit_price, taxes and discounts) to be refunded in the cart.
providers array Array of JSON objects (id, and data) containing the identifier of the partner and any other integration data sent to Zippin as part of other API responses.


Returns the refund details.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
refund_id string (Optional) The identifier of the Zippin refund request. It's in the UUID v4 format and unique across refund requests.
transaction_id string (Optional) The identifier of the refund transaction on the partner’s side. This can help Zippin map the refund to this transaction.

Integration Guide

You will implement these APIs and provide endpoints to Zippin.

Loyalty Integration Guide

This document guides you (referred as Loyalty Partner) to integrate your loyalty system with Zippin checkout-free platform.

Core Integration Flow

  1. Shopper enters the store for shopping.
  2. Shops picks items to purchase.
  3. Shopper scans loyalty bar or QR code on a loyalty scanner installed inside the store. Shopper can do this anytime before exiting the store.
  4. Zippin calls the Loyalty ID API (implemented by the loyalty partner) to retrieve the Loyalty ID and attaches it to the shopper’s cart.
  5. Shopper exits the store.
  6. Zippin finalizes the cart, applies prices and taxes.
  7. Zippin calls the Promotions API (implemented by the loyalty partner) to get the discounts/promotions applicable on the cart.
  8. Zippin applies the received promotions.
  9. If the loyalty partner supports the stored cash, Zippin sends the final amount to charge from the stored cash account otherwise Zippin charges the final amount.
  10. If the loyalty partner supports the stored cash, Zippin sends the amount to be refunded from the stored cash account in the event of a dispute.

API Reference

Loyalty ID

If the scanned loyalty code is not long-lived, loyalty partner needs to implement the Loyalty ID API endpoint. Zippin calls this API to retrieve the long-lived Loyalty ID.


If the loyalty partner supports promotion, implement the Promotions API to apply promotions to a cart.


If the loyalty partner supports stored cash to charge the shopper, implement the Charges API to charge the final amount.


If the loyalty partner supports stored cash to charge the shopper, implement the Refunds API to issue the refund.

Payments Integration Guide

This document guides you (referred as Payments Partner) to integrate your payments system with Zippin checkout-free platform.

For billing the carts, there are two options:

Core Integration Flow

  1. Payments Partner collects payment method and performs necessary checks to authorize the shopper to enter the store for shopping.
  2. Payments Partner calls the Zippin Events API to submit person-access event within the store network with a user-token.
  3. Zippin opens the gate for the shopper to enter the store.
  4. Shopper shops and exits the store.
  5. Zippin finalizes the cart, applies prices, taxes, and discounts to compute the final amount.
  6. Zippin calls the Charges API (implemented by the Payments Partner) to charge the final amount.
  7. In case of refunds, Zippin calls the Refunds API (implemented by the Payments Partner) to issue the refund.

API Reference


Payment Partner calls the Zippin Events API to allow or deny store entry to the shopper.


Zippin calls the Payments Partner backend in the cloud to charge the final amount. Payments Partner needs to implement the Charges API.

Following are some sample scenarios that rarely occur. There is a solution to handle such scenarios.

Sample Scenario 1:In rare cases, a shopper may exit with items that are not captured in the original cart while the shopper was in the store. Shoppers are not charged for these items, which may result in loss of revenue. To address this, Zippin creates additional (correction) cart for the same user-token and sends it to the Payments Partner for billing. This is to ensure that all the items are accounted for.

Solution: For this, you must enable your system to process multiple carts for a user-token.

Sample Scenario 2: Zippin submits a cart and expects a 200 OK response. For some reason, if the response is delayed, may be due to network drop, it is possible that the cart gets submitted again for billing before Zippin receives success response. This is because Zippin optimizes for 100% billing ensuring each cart is billed accurately. In such scenarios, the cart may be submitted more than one time.

Solution: You must enable your system to accept the same cart multiple times. For example, if a shopper is already charged, and the same cart is submitted again, the cart must be ignored and a http 200 OK response must be returned.

Sample Scenario 3: If full refund for failed payment cart is processed, If shopper returned all the items for the failed payment Zippin submits a cart and expects a 200 OK response. For some reason, if the response is delayed, may be due to network drop, it is possible that the cart gets submitted again for billing before Zippin receives success response. This is because Zippin optimizes for 100% billing ensuring each cart is billed accurately. In such scenarios, the cart may be submitted more than one time.

Solution: You must enable your system to accept the same cart multiple times. For example, if a shopper is already charged, and the same cart is submitted again, the cart must be ignored and a http 200 OK response must be returned.

Payment failure case

If the entire payment fails, send a response below with the FAILURE status.


  "cart_id": "0e674fdf-f27e-4a39-9c3d-46ec59a361df",

  "transaction_id": "38e07e0e-c90d-47d5-866b-d506a21a4dcb",

  "status": "FAILURE",

  "total_amount": 0,

  "tax_amount": 0,

  "paid_amounts": []


Partial payment case

If only partial payment is made, send reply below with PARTIAL status. Total amount purchased is $5 but only $2.5 is charged Send $2.5 in total_amount.


  "cart_id": "0e674fdf-f27e-4a39-9c3d-46ec59a361df",

  "transaction_id": "38e07e0e-c90d-47d5-866b-d506a21a4dcb",

  "status": "PARTIAL",

  "total_amount": 2.5,

  "tax_amount": 0.5,

  "paid_amounts": [{

      "payment_type": "credit",

      "amount": 2.5




Zippin calls the Payments Partner backend in the cloud to issue the refund. Payments Partner needs to implement the Refunds API.

Additional Integration Items


Optional. Payment Partner calls the Zippin Configuration API to pull the latest configuration parameters.


Optional. Payment Partner calls the Zippin Metrics API to send useful information like health, function, and performance of a store's subsystems.

Mobile App Integration Guide

This guide describes the procedure for integrating mobile app for Zippin’s check-out free platform. The mobile app integration enables a shopper to enter the store by scanning a QR code from their mobile phones versus a physical card.

In this document, Integration Partner refers to the entity that builds or maintains the mobile app, which in many cases is the retailer.

The mobile app generates a QR code for the shopper. The shopper scans the code at the store entry. Zippin Access Control validates the code:

The QR code can be validated in one of the following ways:

Zippin controlled QR Code or card reader

Partner controlled QR code or card reader

When shopper leaves, Zippin passes the cart information to the Integration Partner.

Zippin Generated QR Code

API Specifications and Flow for Zippin Generated QR Code

  1. After checking valid payment method on file, the Integration Partner must call the Zippin Get QR Code for the Shopper API, where the user-token is passed as a parameter. Zippin generates a QR code that is displayed on the shopper’s mobile app.
  2. The shopper scans the QR code to enter the store.
  3. Zippin validates the code and opens the gate allowing the shopper to enter the store.
  4. Shopper shops and exits the store.

Partner Generated QR Code in Zippin Format

API Specifications and Flow for Integration Partner Generated QR Code in Zippin Format

This section describes the flow for validating the QR code generated by the Integration Partner in Zippin format.

  1. Integration Partner generates the QR code using the private key and displays it on the shopper’s mobile app.
  2. The shopper scans the QR code to enter the store.
  3. Zippin captures the QR code and validates the scan using a public key.
  4. On successful validation, Zippin opens the gate allowing the shopper to enter the store.
  5. Shopper shops and exits the store.

Zippin QR Code Format

Sample Code using NodeJS

Generate the signature.

const privateKey = fs.readFileSync('privateKey.pem', 'utf-8');
message = 'v1:zipp:5579452f-8c6e-4997-827c-ac120d2174b3:1567628198079';
const signer = crypto.createSign('SHA256');
const signature = signer.sign(privateKey, 'base64');
Verify the Signature.

message = 'v1:zipp:5579452f-8c6e-4997-827c-ac120d2174b3:1567628198079';
signature = '<signature-to-be-verified>';
const publicKey = fs.readFileSync('publicKey.pem', 'utf-8');
const verifier = crypto.createVerify('SHA256');
console.log(verifier.verify(publicKey, Buffer.from(signature, 'base64')));
Install cryptography package.

pip install cryptography
Generate the signature.

from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import load_pem_private_key
with open("privateKey.pem", "rb") as key_file: 
  private_key = load_pem_private_key(, None, default_backend())
message = b"v1:zipp:5579452f-8c6e-4997-827c-ac120d2174b3:1567628198079"
signature = private_key.sign(message, hashes.SHA256())
signature = b64encode(signature).decode('utf-8')
Verify the Signature.

from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import load_pem_public_key
with open("publicKey.pem", "rb") as key_file:
  public_key = load_pem_public_key(,default_backend())
message = b"v1:zipp:5579452f-8c6e-4997-827c-ac120d2174b3:1567628198079"
signature = "<signature-to-be-verified>"
signature = b64decode(signature.encode('utf-8'))
public_key.verify(signature, message, hashes.SHA256()) #throws cryptography.exceptions.InvalidSignature if it fails



Parameter Description
version The current version is v1. This can change if there is a change to the QR code format.
retailer-code The name of the app in Zippin systems that is a pre-agreed upon string between the app and Zippin. In the example above, the string “zipp” is the name of the app.
user-token This is the unique token that is assigned to a shopper. It must be alpha-numeric English characters with a maximum length of 250 characters. When the cart is finalized and submitted, the user-token is sent as one of the parameters.
expiry-time This is the expiry time for the QR code. The time is in milliseconds since epoch in UTC. During validation, Zippin checks if the QR code is valid or not.
signature This is the DSA signature generated using the private key.

Partner’s Custom QR Code

API Specifications and Flow for Integration Partner’s Custom QR Code

In this scenario, the QR code is generated by the Integration Partner in their own format. In this case, Zippin is unable to verify the QR code when the shopper scans the QR code, instead the Zippin Access Service reads the QR code and calls the Integration Partner's Authorizations API for QR code validation.

  1. Integration Partner generates the QR code and displays it on the shopper’s mobile app.
  2. The shopper scans the QR code to enter the store.
  3. The Zippin Access Service reads the QR code and calls the Integration Partner's Authorizations API.
  4. Based on the response received from the Authorizations API, the shopper is allowed or denied entry in the store.
  5. If the response is Allow, Zippin opens the gate for the shopper to enter the store. Deny is optional.
  6. The shopper shops and exits the store.

Partner Controlled Reader

API Specifications and Flow for Integration Partner Controlled Reader

This section describes the flow for Integration Partner controlled QR code or card reader.

  1. After checking valid payment method on file, the Integration Partner generates a QR code that is displayed on the shopper’s mobile app.

    It can be any code - bar code, employee badge, and so on.

  2. The shopper scans the QR code to enter the store. The Integration Partner calls the Zippin Events API to submit person-access event within the store network with a user-token.
  3. Zippin opens the gate allowing the shopper to enter the store.
  4. Shopper shops and exits the store.


Payment Partner calls the Zippin Events API to allow or deny store entry to the shopper.

Cart Submission and Billing

After the shopper leaves the store, Zippin finalizes and submits the cart using the Cart Submission API to Integration Partner backend in the cloud. Note that the cart submission is not instant. It can take several minutes, few hours, or in rare circumstances more than a day based on various factors. For this, you must ensure that the user-token is not expired and is still valid. This API payload consists of the user-token and the list of items purchased by the shopper. The Integration Partner is responsible for charging the shopper with the final order amount and also providing shopper receipts.

There is a time lag between shopper validation and when final amount is charged (or a refund issued). This lag can vary from a few seconds to hours, or in a system incident case, up to 3-4 days.

Error Scenarios

Error messages must be sent to Zippin only in the following scenarios:

Example Scenario 1: Zippin may create additional carts for a user-token and send them to the Integration Partner for billing. This may result in revenue loss for the Integration Partner, as shoppers are not charged for items in these additional carts. For example, Cart corrections. In such exceptional scenarios, if some items are missed in the original cart, Zippin creates an additional cart and sends it to the Integration Partner for billing to ensure that all the items are accounted for.

Solution: The Integration Partner must enable their system to process multiple carts for a user-token.

Example Scenario 2: Zippin submits a cart and expects a 200 Success response. For some reason, if the response is delayed, may be due to network drop, and before Zippin receives success response, the cart is submitted again. This is because Zippin optimizes for 100% billing ensuring each cart is billed accurately. In such scenarios, the cart may be submitted more than one time.

Solution: The Integration Partner must enable their system to accept the same cart multiple times. For example, if a shopper is already charged, and the same cart is submitted again, the cart must be ignored and a http 200 Success response must be returned.

Entry and Exit Notifications

When enabled, Zippin calls your Notifications API to send the shopper entry and exit event notifications. This API is not called again in case of failure. Only one entry and exit notification is sent in case of group shopping.